
Monday 12 November 2012

Masculinities MA- Catherine Lee

An extract on 'Fight Club' from the complete essay:

Chapter 1 Fight Club - Paranoid Narratives and The Crisis of White Masculinity in the Nineties.

At the time of its release shortly after the Columbine high school shootings in 1999, the movie Fight Club received a mixture of critical responses. Whilst some reviewers celebrated its critique of white masculinity in postmodern de-industrialised late capitalist America, others condemned its representation of gratuitous violence, terrorism and self-abuse. [1] My personal interest in this movie for the purposes of this Independent Project centres on the opinion that Fight Club, presents us with seemingly complex negotiations of identity and in particular conflicted notions of American masculinities. As such I intend to unpick these representations and question whether or not this movie upfronts the problematics of various constructions of masculinity and successfully subverts these, or simply perpetuates hegemonic masculine ideals through displays of hysteria, violence and masochism. As Tania Modeleski notes,

 “We need to consider the extent to which male power is actually consolidated through cycles of crisis and resolution.” [2]

1.1 Male Hysteria in Fight Club.
The protagonist of the film, Jack (Edward Norton) is presented as a mentally unstable anti-hero. As such Fight Club can be located in what Marita Sturken identifies as ‘paranoid narratives’. Sturken identifies the fascination in popular culture in the 90s with postmodern narratives of paranoia, their inextricable link with contemporary discourses about gender and race, and the notion of hegemonic white masculinity in crisis as identified by Faludi among others. As such films like Fight Club, Affliction (1998) and Falling Down (1993) for example, represent paranoid white male narratives that offer audiences angry, troubled and often wounded protagonists, appropriating and articulating within these texts a discourse of victimisation.[3] 
Consequently this fascination with paranoid narratives in contemporary American postmodern cinema should be read in relation to an ongoing investment in narratives of male hysteria. ‘Hysteria’ derives from the Greek ‘hystera’ meaning uterus, which in turn derives from the word for stomach or belly. Hysteria was historically considered as a female disorder. The meaning of hysteria has shifted over the centuries, including Freud’s psychoanalytic reworking of the concept and more recently feminist revision of hysteria in the late sixties and early seventies. Through the understanding of the hysterical personality as a caricature of femininity that has been encoded through dominant, patriarchal discourses, hysteria is acknowledged for its paradoxical position as both a concept that perpetuates patriarchal ideologies and a mechanism through which the body can resist gender roles. As such the notion of white male hysteria as inscribed in a variety of contemporary film texts is problematic. This is compounded by the fact that many of the films that operate such narratives, despite their postmodern credentials, are a product of mainstream Hollywood, which is understood in terms of its ideological status.
Fight Club in particular wastes no time in situating the viewer firmly inside of the paranoid white male psyche. In its title sequence, which actually starts the film at its chronological end, the camera tracks through the computer generated visual representation of the protagonist’s brain, spewing out through his mouth to reveal the phallic image of a gun barrel lodged there by Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt).[4] The monotonous extra-diegetic voice over of the protagonist in this scene operates to engage the viewer with his particular narrative taking us back in time by six months. On the level of film form, the use of flashback from the opening scene functions to highlight the importance of the action therein, from which in a now linear ordering the narrative is redirected. This creates a sense of expectation for viewers that on return, this scene will reveal a critical point within the narrative, as indeed it does. When we return to this scene towards the end of the narrative we, as viewers have learnt that Tyler is not actually ‘real’ but a product of Jack’s delusional mind, his alter-ego. This heightens the tension when watching this final scene, as we now understand that Jack is actually on the verge of shooting himself in the hope to rid his psyche of Tyler. As postmodern narratives go, the idea of a character killing himself/herself as a solution to his/her predicament is nothing new; in Thelma and Louise (1991) for example the ultimate redemptive act appears to be suicide.
 The revelation in the text that Tyler is Jack also establishes for viewers that the self-narration of the protagonist should be understood as being unreliable[5] and indeed hysterical, as we rapidly have to rethink the whole story in flashback renegotiating the action without Tyler’s visual presence within each scene. Just as the opening credit sequence locates us firmly within the white male psyche, the use of self-narration sutures us further into this, making the critical reveal about Tyler a potent trigger of reflection and renegotiation of Jack’s narrative.
Jack’s mental state is staged in three transitions within the narrative (similar to the three-act structure of classic Hollywood cinema). Arguably these transitions function to expose the notion of masculinity as a process, a precarious trial that must be negotiated and passed through.  In the first stage of his transition, Jack is represented as a chronic insomniac. According to Wedding, Boyd & Niemiec (2005) Jack's insomnia may be a symptom caused by the frequent travelling his job entails. It may also be that the jet lag exacerbates a pre-existing problem with primary insomnia, a symptom of another disorder.[6] Arguably this other disorder his 'great depression' as Tyler puts it later in the movie, is Jack's life. Jack is represented as being disenfranchised by his contemporary, commercialised life, qualified through his white collar job, a fridge full of condiments and a condo furnished like an Ikea showroom. As narrator, he openly admits "I'd flick through catalogues and think 'What kind of dining set defines me as a person?'"[7] Jack belongs to an ornamental culture where manhood is defined by and through the consumer world. In her critique of this culture of ornament, Faludi notes,

 "It's often been observed that the economic transition from industry to service, or from production to consumption, is symbolically a move from the traditional masculine to the traditional feminine." [8]

 As such, Jack embodies a domesticated feminised masculinity. Emasculated, and quite literally restless Jack turns to a variety of support groups for people with terminal diseases. He becomes a 'tourist' of other people's pain. With no name for his own pain - Jack's  'sickness' is dismissed by his doctor who suggests Jack doesn't know what real pain is  - Jack resorts to faking it, infiltrating these support networks and stealing relief for his condition in crisis. In his ‘faker’ status, Jack appropriates the suffering and experience of those with ‘real’ illnesses and social marginality so that he can feel listened to and alive. This positioning of ‘white masculinity as victim’ is problematic however given the archetypal, hegemonic power of white masculinity within American culture. Jack’s faking complete with pseudonyms heightens the unstable performative levels of his identity at this point in the narrative. He represents himself as every man (and woman) and an empty vessel at the same time. The representation of these support groups within the narrative is highly satirised. The film therefore can be understood as offering a mocking critique of the Men’s movement in particular, and other New Age self-help groups that were prevalent across America in the nineties, whilst simultaneously contributing to the discourses of hysterical victimhood these very groups were based upon. 
‘Remaining Men Together’, Jack's Tuesday night fix, is constructed as the support group that is central to Jack's position within the narrative in this first transition. This gathering of men who quite literally have no balls, sit around in circles talking about their failed marriages, estrangement from their families, bankruptcy and the many losses they have suffered as a result of testicular cancer. Jack may still have his balls[9] (although later in the movie this too is questioned and indeed threatened) but within this group of men who regularly have 'one on ones where they can really open themselves up' he finds peace. As the narrator he confirms,

 “...and then something happened; I let go. Lost in oblivion, dark and silent and complete I found freedom, losing all hope was freedom.”[10]

Arguably this 'letting go of hope' could be critiqued as being Jack's letting go of the traditional myths of masculinity. By freeing himself from this burden, he has seemingly found peace with his 'new man' self; the crying, embracing, sharing, caring man who is capable of change; similar to the version of manhood Jefford's spoke of in her critique of films in the early '90s.[11] Ironically, while these emasculated men are sharing their crises and 'letting go', an American flag hangs in the room where these very meetings are held, signifying the mythic American manhood they are seemingly trying to break free from. Arguably Jack's insomnia and the testicular cancer of the other men in Remaining Men Together is a metaphor for a deeper 'illness' these men share; namely the historicity of traditional notions of manhood. Jack is, however momentarily, represented as having found a cure for his particular 'pain'; we see him sleeping soundly and his extra-diegetic narration confirming that not even babies sleep as well.
This solution to Jack's malaise is short lived however with the arrival of one of the few female characters in the film, Marla (Helena Bonham-Carter), another 'tourist', who violates one of the men's one on one moments with her arrival. Marla, puffing through the smoke of her cigarette, asks; 'This is cancer, right?'[12] to a dumb struck room of weeping, embracing men. At this point in the narrative, Marla functions to disrupt Jack's world. She is like him in that she is a faker, but she poses Jack with two problems that jolt him back to his insomniac, anxiety ridden self; she is a woman who has invaded his space and stolen his cure and to make matters worse she has no real pain of her own, claiming she only goes to the meetings because food and drinks are free. Jack’s anger towards ‘this chick Marla Singer’ can be understood in terms of the Men’s movement’s discontent with what they call ‘feminised society’. Robert Bly’s Men’s movement, originating in the early ‘80s, gained phenomenal influence with the release of his best selling book Iron John in 1990 (although the movement has diminished in recent years Bly continues to run annual conferences in Minnesota). The movement offers weekend retreats for men run by Bly in the hope of helping men get in touch with the “wild man” inside whom the feminist movement and the effeminising culture of late capitalism has turned into a “soft male.”[13]
 In this context Marla metonymicaly signifies the purported rise of the feminine within society. Although Jack as narrator voices his anger against Marla, whose lie reflects his lie, extra-diegetically to viewers of the movie, he like the other men in Remaining Men Together, fails to vocalise this challenge diegetically to Marla and so he fails to prevent this woman from entering their newfound domain. In challenging or exposing Marla for the parasitic woman he believes her to be, Jack would not only expose himself, but more problematically he would expose the other emasculated men in this group. Marla may be able to identify with these men because she doesn't have balls, but her being a woman problematises their crisis further. Her possession of breasts can only heighten the realisation that Bob's (Meatloaf) Bitch tits' are not real breasts. They are the product of his medication for cancer which he informs Jack was caused by years of steroid abuse; which we may presume was in the '80s when he was performing a different kind of masculinity, which it turns out has made him terminally ill.
Ultimately Marla's presence exposes these transformed 'non-men' who have readily embraced their effeminisation. The crux for Jack and his buddies is that Marla signifies their 'non-woman' status also. Consequently they are neither men nor women and with this realisation, Jack's crisis, personified through his insomnia, is unabated. It is shortly after this that Tyler Durden is introduced to the protagonist’s hysterical narrative.

1.2 The Wounded body in Fight Club.
The second transition in the narrative is established when Jack 'meets' Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt). Up until this point in the narrative Tyler has been subliminally spliced into the footage. He has been edited into 'blips' within the mise-en-scene and has appeared only once within a scene. This particular scene acts as a visual clue for the viewer that Tyler is lurking in the background of Jack’s diegesis. Within the scene Tyler appears in an airport going on the opposite escalator to an exhausted looking Jack. At this point Jack as narrator wonders,

"If you wake up at a different time in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?"[14] 

Although Tyler appears as a separate character, these visual and narrative clues that suggest he may be otherwise are subtly constructed within the movie. In contrast to Jack who is represented as being outwardly bland and grey (even his suits are grey) Tyler is a flush of '70s retro colour, with blonde spiky hair, large shades, red checked suit and open wide collared white shirt as opposed to Jack's constraining white collar. Tyler embodies an altogether different type of masculinity. He is tanned, honed, cool, retro, with his statement costumes signifying a potency that Jack so clearly lacks. The dialogue between Jack and Tyler in this their first scene together highlights Jack's conditioning of qualifying both himself and others through their jobs. But it also functions to establish that Tyler not only looks different to Jack, he thinks and acts differently too.  Tyler signifies everything that Jack is not. As the delusion of Jack's fractured mind, Tyler embodies the man that Jack has failed to be and desires to become.
            When Jack arrives home from a work related trip, he finds himself homeless due to an explosion at his condo. With this, Jack's material existence has been wiped out. This is a symbolic scene in the disintegration of Jack's identity, given the knowledge at the end of the movie that allows us to cast the narrator as both the victim and perpetrator of this act. To this point Jack's consumerist feminised ornamental manhood as discussed earlier, has been central to the construction of his identity. It is at this juncture that Jack decides to contact Tyler and to 'let him in'. Subsequently both characters move into the dilapidated house on Paper Street. The house itself signifies Jack’s rejection of the consumer-driven reality he formerly inhabited, but it also functions metonymically to signify Jack's mental state.  He has shifted into the unstable regions of the imaginary[15] and other than his continuance to go to work every day, the rest of Jack's time is spent with Tyler either in the house or at their newly formed 'fight club' set in the dark, nasty underbelly of Lou's tavern.
 Negotiations of masculinities and homoeroticism are played out through brutal violence between anonymous predominantly white men brawling in these underground bare knuckled fight clubs late at night. Shirtless mainly white male bodies appear bloodied and damaged. Arguably the voyeuristic pleasure derived from the spectacle of male bodies in these fights operates both intra-diegetically for the non-fighting members of the fight club[16] and extra-diegetically for us as viewers. Through these ritualistic masochistic acts of violence the film positions the male body as wounded, victimised. These representations correlate with Robinson’s critique of white masculinity in crisis;

“Representations of a hysterical, masochistic, or wounded white male body testify to the real, material effects of a perceived displacement of white masculinity away from the centre, from the normative, from the mainstream…
White masculinity most fully represents itself as victimised by inhabiting a wounded body.”[17]

Robinson therefore identifies that representations of the wounding and marking of white male bodies constitutes the puncturing of the archetypal myth of white heterosexual middle-class masculinity and in so doing recognises how such representations operate to undermine its historic position as unmarked. This is problematic however given Savran’s argument that,

“Masochism functions precisely as a kind of decoy and that cultural texts constructing masochistic masculinities characteristically conclude with an almost magical resolution of phallic power.”[18]

Within the narrative the chaotic and brutal world of fight club established by Jack and his alter-ego Tyler seemingly offers a tangible and empowering experience of manhood for the members of fight club as well as Jack, who in his extra-diegetic narrative reveals,

"After fighting, everything else in your life got the volume turned down. You could deal with anything...
... Who you were in fight club was not who you were in the rest of the world. " [19]

 This arguably suggests, or at least problematises, the idea that the seemingly redemptive function of the fight club may culminate in the restoration or rehabilitation of phallic power as some academic accounts of the film argue[20] and as such this needs further investigation. With this in mind, I propose that reading the film in terms of reflexive masochism as opposed to masochism may be more fruitful.
Masochism, like hysteria, was historically relegated to the realm of the feminine. In psychoanalysis the terms masochism and sadism were adopted by Freud and continually reworked through a variety of his texts on sexuality. Masochism, associated with the feminine was therefore coded as passive whilst sadism was located as masculine and active. He also claimed that both tendencies commonly occurred in the same individual. According to Freud, reflexive masochism was located midway between sadism and masochism. According to Silverman, “reflexive masochism does not demand the renunciation of activity, it is ideally suited for negotiating the contradictions inherent in masculinity.”[21] She goes on to argue that rather than pose a threat to masculinity, reflexive masochism may actually “represent a necessary component of virility.”[22]
               Therefore if we are to understand reflexive masochism as the sadistic masculine part of the self punishing the masochistic feminine part of the self, the representation of Jack’s self abuse within the narrative in this context punctuates the feeling of empowerment he expresses as narrator, which he achieves through reflexive masochistic expression. By its very definition reflexive masochism suggests on ongoing tension between the passive and active rather than the mastery of one by the other.
                It can therefore be argued that the rehabilitation of the protagonist to a normative heterosexual masculinity, as he is reunited with Marla at the close of the film does not function to restore phallic power. There are two crucial images within the diegesis that support this reading. The couple are represented as watching the collapse of the skyscrapers, the symbol of masculine power, outside the window[23] signalling a ‘mark’ on this previously ‘unmarked’ sphere. The splicing of a frame of a fake penis in the last seconds of the film is the second image that supports this reading. The fact that this penis is fake, connotes the unreal, fake status of phallic power. Ultimately Jack’s reunion with Marla signals the fact that he is now able to move beyond his feelings of inadequacy, to leave his hysteria behind and with it the burden of a mythical masculinity. I am therefore drawn to agree with Faludi who notes in her review of the film,
                “For men facing an increasingly hollow, consumerised world, that path lies not in conquering women but in uniting with them against the hollowness.  In that way… 'Fight Club' ends up as a quasi-feminist tale, seen through masculine eyes…In 'Fight Club,' the man and the woman clasp hands in what could be a mutual redemption."[24]
In Fight Club then, the falling towers, signalling the destruction of the credit card system according to Tyler’/Jack’s manifesto for Project Mayhem, envisions a new society beyond capitalism and the negation of commodified identities for all. This is the ultimate rejection of Jack’s formerly ornamental consumerised masculinity. The film then, offers audiences a resolved critique of  ‘masculinity in crisis’ through leaving behind its hysteric, paranoid, self-destructive performance. Ultimately rather than perpetuate hegemonic male power, it stimulates audiences to envision a future where men and women are equal.[25]

[25] I acknowledge the film is still problematic however as this resolution is presented from a white-centric position and issues of class, race and ethnicity are excluded from the film’s discourse.

Saturday 3 November 2012

Critical Essays and Resources for 'Fight Club'

Study Guide and Essays-

Critical Essays and Resources on 'The Road'

Study Guide and Essays-

Study Guide and Essays-





Ending of 'The Road'

The Signifigance of the Ending in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road'


Tie Up Loose Ends-

Answer Unanswered Questions-

Feeling of Satisfaction-

Interesting Question-

Alternative Possibilites-

Connections to Opening

Connections to Structure

Conclusion of Themes-


Other Structural Connections-

Opening of 'The Road'

The Signifigance of the Opening in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road'

First Sentences


Thursday 18 October 2012

Structure in 'The Road'

The Use of Structure in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road'

Shift in Time

 There are several parts in the book where there are flashbacks to previous events that took place before and during the beginning of whatever incident or catastrophe befell Earth, most often in order to tell the inner story of what happened to the boy's mother. These could be perceived to be the dreams or memories of either character as opposed to flashbacks.


 There are no definitive 'acts' or 'sections' of the book, however, there do seem to be three major sections that differ in narrative content ie. 

1st 'Section'- The man and the boy travel across the land and encounter many dangers that threaten them, the most prominent being that of starvation.

2nd 'Section'- The two discover an underground 'vault', filled with food and bedding and clothes and stay there or a while, having finally found a strand of hope in their lives and a chance at survival.

3rd 'Section'- The man decides that they are too exposed to other, more human, dangers, and decide to take what they can and leave and continue on their way to the beach, their final destination as father and son.

Moment(s) of Crisis

 There are two definitive and tangible moments of crisis, despite the entirety of the book being made up of the crisis' that the two face: The discovery of the cannibal house and the basement, and the ending on the beach.
 In the first of these, the two are discover a large house, and on the brink of starvation and desperate for food, they descend into the locked cellar in search of food, but instead find raped, mutilated and half-eaten humans kept there by the cannibals. Fleeing the cellar, both discover that the cannibals are returning to the house and have to hide out in the woods opposite the house, unmoving, in order to make a later escape. 
 The second of the scenes is far more subtle, however, is the most meaningful of all of the dangers in the book. Knowing that he is going to die, the man must impart any final knowledge, instructions and thoughts to his son, as well as try to convince him to live on and that he will be fine. The boy must come to terms with this and acknowledge his new lifestyle alone and accept that there is nothing to be done to help his father.
 There are also many other moments of crisis: the man in the forest, the cannibals passing through the forest, the threat of starvation, the falling trees, the dead child, the man on the beach, the couple in the house etc.

Set Piece Event/Climax

The most climactic part of the book  is likely the latter of the two main moments of crisis (above), when the man and boy finally reach their physical destination: The beach. As the two journey through the neighboring lands, they encounter a couple hiding out in a house whom upon seeing the duo, take this as an offensive, and attack, the father, of course, prioritising the safety of the boy and obtaining an injury, which later proves to be a fatal wound. On the realisation of this, they return to the beach in order for the father to impart any knowledge of survival to his son while he still can (the road is far too dangerous, meaning that they would not have enough time) and also means that the father can die in a more peaceful environment. The son also seems more restful when at the beach, and also marks the beginning of his slight change in character, the beach becoming their symbol for not only safety and rest, but also the boy's time of coming to terms with the reality of the world of which he lives in.

Key Motifs/Themes/Oppositions

Death- The theme of death is one of the most prominent throughout the book, and features not only as the recurring subject of the character's dialogue exchanges, but is also clearly shown in the description of the land itself. Not only this, but it is also the biggest ultimate threat to the man an boy.

Love and Hope- Throughout the story, the man shows a tremendous amount of love for his son through his many sacrifices in the hope of keeping the child alive, strengthened by the boys own sense of hope and 'goodness'. Although a wary man, the father never harms others unless they have placed the boy's survival at risk, however the boy's innocence and strong sense of compassion veils him from witnessing and truly understanding this until the father's death.

Good/Evil- There are two contrasts of good and evil within the story, one the explicit comparison of the 'good guys' (the man and the boy) and the bad guys (rapists, thieves, murderers, cannibals). There is also the more subtle comparison of the two parental characters. The father refers to the 'good guys' as being those that strive to live on under all circumstances and that, despite all, continue to carry the 'fire', this being something that the mother fails to do.

Compassion and Morality/Humanity- Having lived a huge sum of his life in the aftermath of whatever incident occured that changed the world, the man ha become 'worn' by his years of seeing humanity deteriorate rapidly into chaos and, having had the "charge" of protecting his son for the entirety of the boys life, has had to protect his son from even the potential of danger. Because of this, he has become very untrusing and unforgiving character. The boy, unknowing of the mans sacrifice of his own humanity in order to protect him, dislikes the fathers lack of compassion in the face of the unknown, and acts as a source of compassion, morality, humanity and purity.

Spirituality and Forgiveness- Very rarely does either character discuss God in heavy detail, however, there are some underlying religious themes, however not overly improtant regarding the story. In fact, the father seems to almost dismiss the idea that there is a God, however, he and the boy do occassionally discuss the 'spiritual afterlife', whether this is something that the man actually believes in or just something to reassure the boy is unclear.

Survival/Resilience and Violence- Because of the mans unwavering need to protect his son, he has had to endure a great deal over the past years and the duration of the book, and has made various sacrifices, the greatest being his sense of humanity and right and wrong when basic survival of the boy is at risk, even if it is but a minor threat. In the end of the book, the father, having realised that he can go no further, realises that he must impart as much as he can to the boy, the most important the basics of survival, especially important due to the boy's compassion towards others.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Charactisation in 'The Road'

Characterisation of 'the boy' in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road'

Use of Narrative in 'The Road'

The Use of Narrative Devices in Cormac McCarthy's 'The Road'

Narrative Voice

The overall narrative voice in 'The Road' is that of a third person omniscient narrator, albeit one of whom seemingly does not divulge the reader with all available information, and the text does sometimes seem to switch to free indirect style, especally when discussing the character's emotions and thoughts directly and in detail, sometimes seemingly taking on the actual persona of that character, which could also be described as focalisation (however it is closer to free inirect style when not in entirely TPON due to the fact that even when doing this, the narrator is still fairly detached and ambiguous as to whether it is in fact the thoughts of the character or a mere factual observation on part of the narrator).

"He watched the boy and he looked out through the trees toward the road. This was not a safe place. They could be seen from the road now it was day."

Narrative Structure

Throughout the book, there are no actual chapters, but short sections, often unclear as to whether it is seperated from the previous one due to change of location, time, subject matter, narration or focalised character. This, added to the writting style of McCarthy, makes the book read similarly to a piece of prose or poetry. Although the narrative itself is quite circular as the world itslef has not changed and there is no final resolution (open ending), however, the emotional journey and overall message of the book is quite linear, very different at the end of the book in comparison to the beginning.

"When it was light enough to use the binoculars he glassed the valley below. Everything paling away into the murk. The soft ash blowing in loose swirls over the blacktop. He studied what he could see. The segments of road down there among dead trees. Looking for anything of color. Any movement. Any trace of standing smoke. He lowered the glasses and pulled down the cotton mask from his face and wiped his nose on the back of his wrist and then glassed the country again. Then he just sat there holding the binoculars and watching the ashen daylight congeal over the land. He knew that the child was his warrant. He said: If he is not the word of God God never spoke."

Handling of Time

There is no set time frame in the book, some sections will describe several weeks in a passage, some a single moment in great detail, and some sections are in fact dreams or memories/flashbacks of the man. Some of these flashbacks are in the past tense, most notably when the man is actively remembering them, however, some are written in the present tense, and not actually referred to by the surrounding passages, hinting that these are in fact extra pieces of information the author via the narrator has chosen to share with us to further our understanding of prior events (see quote below). There is also a lot of foreshadowing of future events, more notably the ending, as the story is itself the physical and emotional journey that prepares the two characters for the tale's outcome.

"The clocks stopped at 1:17. A long shear of light and then a series of low concussions. He got up and went to the window. What is it? she said. He didnt answer. He went to the bathroom and threw the lightswitch but the power was already gone. A dull glow rose in the windowglass. He dropped to one knee and raised the lever to stop the tub and then turned on both taps as far as they would go. She was standing in the doorway in her nightwear, clutching the jamb, cradling her belly in one hand. What is is? she said. What is happening?
I dont know.
Why are you taking a bath?
I’m not."

Relationship with the Reader

As 'The Road' is a very articulate, however extremely creative and open text, it can have many readings, for example, there is a fair amount of religious imagery, and many could issue this as a main theme, or even pin point the omniscient third person narrator as an almost 'God-like' figure, spectating events, however others would say that it is simply because the two characters could be considered religious, or sometimes anti-religious (especially the man at times) and for metaphorical illustration. There are also a lot of narrative gaps, meaning that the reader does not, nor ever find out, all fo the predecessing events leading up to the current narrative, especially as the book starts 'in medias res'. 

"When he woke in the woods in the dark and the cold of the night he'd reach out to touch the child sleeping beside him. Nights dark beyond darkness and the days more gray each one than what had gone before. Like the onset of some cold glaucoma dimming away the world. His hand rose and fell softly with each precious breath. He pushed away the plastic tarpaulin and raised himself in the stinking robes and blankets and looked toward the east for any light but there was none."

Prose Style

Most of the sentences throughout the book are very short, actions described in an almost list-like, laborious manner. When describing the actuall events of the book, the narrative itself, the language is mostly fairly colloquial in manner, as is the speech of the characters, however both aspects of the book do include some advanced vocablulary, hinting at a higher plane of intelligence on both the part of the characters and the narrator, whereas descriptions of the surrounding itself is often very articulate and of an almost higher register to the rest of the book, making it sometimes quite difficult to read and understand, however never failing to evoke the emotions bestowed upon us from the described world. Some sections of the book will be a description of a location in it's entirety, or opposingly be completely of speech (however never enclosed in speech marks-transcribed/documentation and therfore unchangeable? An already set path in history?) , or sometimes a brief and simple observation or thought on part of either one of the characters or the narrator. As the book is extremely figurative and poetic in style, it uses a lot of metaphor and imagery/symbolism as well as a very unusual use of punctuation, speech never being quotated, sometimes replaced by colons, and sometimes commas either missing or strangely placed.

"He rose and stood tottering in that cold autistic dark with his arms outheld for balance while the vestibular calculations in his skull cranked out their reckonings. An old chronicle. To seek out the upright. No fall but preceded by a declination. He took great marching steps into the nothingness, counting them against his return. Eyes closed, arms oaring. Upright to what? Something nameless in the night, lode or matrix. To which he and the stars were common satellite. Like the great pendulum in its rotunda scribing through the long day movements of the universe of which you may say it knows nothing and yet know it must."


As a dystopian novel, 'The Road' incorporates many key conventions of the genre, the most notable being what could be considered the 'purpose' of the text; a warning of a possible future. This is extended by the general bleak and desolate impression imposed by the book, and the almost view of the narrative as an analytical reference in itself of the human nature when on the verge of annihaltion and how key concepts: morality, fear, love, spirituality, violence, humanity, isolation, compassion, forgiveness, good and evil and moreover hope, become real, tangible aspects fo the world andcome into play when there is nothing else left.

"He was a long time going to sleep. After a while he turned and looked at the man. His face in the small light streaked with black from the rain like some old world thespian. Can I ask you something? he said.
Yes. Of course.
Are we going to die?
Sometime. Not now.
And then later in the darkness: Can I ask you something?
Yes. Of course you can.
What would you do if I died?
If you died I would want to die too.
So you could be with me?
Yes. So I could be with you.

Contexts of Reading and Writing and Wider Literary Context

The book was written in 2006, and according to McCarthy in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, the idea came to him a few years earlier when in Texas with his son and e began to imagine what it could look like in the next 50-100 years. He also said that many of the conversations between the father and the son in the book are actually based on real conversations he has and with his own son, John Francis McCarthy, of whom the book is dedicated to. This clearly signifies that, although it acts as a warning of a horrifically tangible and possible future for the Earth, as arguably all Dystopian Fiction does, it is more a message of hope and an ode to the love of a parent to their child. 'The Road' has been overall, very well received  people often describing it as being "heartbreaking", "harrowing", "haunting", "emotionally shattering" and "epic". It has achieved numerous honours including: James Tait Black Memorial Prize, Believer Book Award, Pultizer Prize, and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award.

Realist, Experimantal or Metanarrative?

Although 'The Road' includes some features of a realist text, such as believable characters, it is, however, included more features of an experimental/metanarrative text: occasional disruption of the sequence of the narrative, plays with various conventions, ambiguity and uncertainty, explores philosophical, social etc. ideas, open ending, not a chronological narrative (flashbacks, flashforwards, gaps etc.) and occasionally relying on the reader to fill in some of the narrative gaps.